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FILMS 2006

Soleil trompeur

D’Elsa Margout et Sophie Lorant, 20’, France 2- Envoyé Spécial, France, 2003, français.
Punta Arenas, last city before the ice of Antartica. A town threatened by the effect of the hole in the ozone layer : the increase of UVB, first cause of the mosr harmful skin cancer, is way higher than what is normal. A plea for the inhabitants, reduced to a surrealistic style of life.

C’est pas sorcier: Les grands cétacés, la menace persiste
De Luc Baudonnière, 26’, France 3, France, 2006, français
Why do whales swim thousands of kilometers through the oceans of our planet? How did these mammals go from earth to sea? What do their magnificent songs mean? Why do fishing, pollution and climatic changes make these giants so vulnerable?

C’est pas sorcier : L’effet de serre, coup de chaud sur la planète
De Christophe Chaye, 26’, France 3, France, 2006, français
Why are greenhouse gas, indispensible to nature balance, becoming harmful? What responsibilities does man have in their augmentation? What would the consequences of sea-level rise be? And can the Kyoto agreements change anything?

Dans les profondeurs du climat
De Claude Delhaye et Luc Ronat, 26’, CNRS Images, France, 2006, français, s.-t. français.
The South Polar Ocean, encircling the continent of Antartica, containc the most powerful ocean current on our planet, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, not so well known, but playing a fundamental role on the climate. Studied by a satellite and a oceanographic expedition, it will allow to evaluate the climate evolution over the last thirty years.

Paradis perdus : les derniers jours de Tuvalu
De Frédéric Castaignède, 52’, Arte, France, 2005, français, s.-t. français.
Tuvalu, a tiny Polynesian achipelago, shows the first symptoms of a guaranteed ‘’drowning’’. It could indeed be the first country of the world to disappear underwater, a victim of global warming amd of the augmentation of greenhouse gas discharge.

Apocalypse et fin du monde

De Chema Sarmiento, 52’, Arte, France, 2005, français, s.-t. français.
Humanity has always been preoccupied by the idea of its own end and that of the world. What is the story of this very idea? How did it appear? How did it evolve through cultures, currents and religions?

Shining Mountains: once and future wild

De Guy Clarkson, 45’, Office National du Film du Canada, Canada, 2004, anglais.
This film provides an odyssey into a unique ecological mosaic, the Rocky Mountains, that split the North American continent, defining its past, present and future. The director catches up with a broad cross-section of mountain people who are getting into politics in order to push their vision of a past and future natural environment.

De Nasser Al-Zoubi, 15’, Jordan Radio and Television Corp., Jordanie, 2005, anglais, s.-t. anglais.
How to protect the ozone layer by putting forward alternatives to the use of Methyl Bromide by farmers sterilising the agricultural lands.

Salvar Venecia (refloating Venice)
D’Alicia G. Montano, 13’, TVE, Espagne, 2006, anglais, s.-t. anglais.
Venice, the floating city, is sinking slowly. Many projects are put forward to save it. The last one, Moses, a complex, controversial and expensive plan, is encouraged by the Italian government to save the city from the permanent threat of water.

Climate in crisis part II : the destruction begins
De Masahiro Fujikawa, 52’, NHK, Japon, 2006, anglais, s.-t. anglais.
The last scientific simulationsshowed that in a hundred years, the warming of the atmosphere will have turned half the Amazonian rainforest to a desert, and that tropical diseases will be more and more common in temperate lands. A severe portrayal of the destruction of the environment caused by climate change.

Les réfugiés de la planète bleue
De Jean-Philippe Duval et Hélène Choquette, 52’59’’, Office National du Film du Canada, Canada, 2006, français.
One Brazilian and one Canadian farmer, a fisherman from the Maldives: they all live at the other side of the world for the others. But they have one common point though: they are part of the 25 millions people displaced for environmental reasons.

Village nomade
De Mahaman Souleymane, 26’,URTI, Niger, 2005, français, s.-t. anglais.
In Niger, Zeinami, a farmer, watches is village being threatened of disappearance, just like most of the other villages in the surrounding. Every day, the desert moves forward a little more. Nature is endangered. Life on this land becomes intolerable.

Paradis perdus : tempêtes sur la Chine

De Richard Prost, 52’, Arte, France, 2005, français, s.-t. français.
Desertification is an old problem in China. But the acceleration of sand storms due to the climatic changes, is getting alarming. The inhabitants of Longboashan, in the North-West of Beijing, are fighting against their village’s inexorable sinking in the sand.

Paradis perdus : Sumatra, les moissons du feu
D’Olivier Dufau et Agnes Sinaï, 52’, Arte, France, 2005, français, s.-t. français.
Enormous forest’s fires devastated Sumatra’s ecosystem. The Kubus, who always lived in the forest, are condemned to flee deeper and deeper into the heights of the jungle, or to live at the edge of towns.

Paradis perdus : Niger, un fleuve à la dérive
De Philippe Costantini, 52’, Arte, France, 2005, français, s.-t. français.
In Mali, the rains of the Africa monsoon are becoming scarce : the Niger is running dry. The Bozo fishermen have to leave their land to become nomads, looking for lakes deep enough to fish in.

Le fleuve Niger se meurt
De Kandine Adama Aborak, 7’, CIRTEF, Niger, 2006, zarma-songhay, s.-t. français.
Alfari comes from a fishermen family, but fishing does not feed him anymore as the Niger River is dying. It is slowly infested by the sand, forming islands and depriving fishes of their reproduction sites. Alfari has to become a gardener on these new islands, fighting day and night against the hippopotami that devastate his crops.

Deux mille fois par jour
De Stéphanie Lanthier et Myriam Pelletier-Gilbert, 85’ 21’’, Office National du Film du Canada, Canada, 2004, français.
Striking portrayal of twenty young tree re-planters, in the North of Quebec, and of Luc, professional tree planter. Between loneliness, competion, mutual aid and solidarity, an hommage to a lucid generation.

Amazonie à tout prix
De Martine Laroche-Joubert et Bruno Girodon, 22’, France 2, France, 2005, français.
Amazonia is the ‘’lung’’ of our planet, the world’s first biodiversitysanctuary. An asset for Brazil, where the forest’s management is now being bet on. But it is not always easy to reconcile environment and development.

Le réchauffement climatique
D’Hélène Naud et Claude D’Astous, 38’ 54’’, Radio-Canada, Canada, 2005, français.
The phenomenon of Global warming has been known for the last 30 years. It has been proven that greenhouse gas have been causing this climatic change. The temperature rise is real: up to one degree in Canada. Evaluation of this irreversible and constantly accelerating change.

Paradis perdus : coup de chaud sur l’Arctique

De Yves Billy, 52’, Arte, France, 2005, français, s.-t. français.
In fifty years, the temperature has been increasing twice as fast in Arctic than in the rest of the world. In the Canadian North-West, hunting and fishing remain indispensable activities. But global warming perturbs everything.

Mission arctique : menaces sur le toit du monde
D’Alain Belhumeur, 52’, France 5, France, 2004, français.
The Earth has always been going through climatic variations, but human activitieshave provoked a new kind of warming, faster than ever. Using animations, specialists have us discover the mecanism and consequences of global warming, more precisely on the Arctic circle.

Larmes de fond
De Vincent Nguyen et Mathieu Dreujou, 27’, France 2-Envoyé Spécial, France, 2005, français.
It is difficult to survive to a disaster such as the Tsunami. In Sri Lanka, thousands of men, women and children fight against trauma, sorrow and the guilt of being alive.

Inondations, sécheresse, ouragans : les nouvelles guerres du climat
D’Édouard Perrin, Claude Ardid, Joël Bruandet, Guillaume Porteu, 91’, France 2, France, 2005, français.

Four documentaries, from Niger to the Arctic, investigate the issues and the consequences of the climatic disorders. Should the Lousiana coast be left to the sea? How do the greenhouses gases affect the Ice Barrier and its population? What is causing the increase of tropical diseases? Is Kyoto a license to pollute?

Mission arctique : à la dérive
De Patricio Henriquez, 52’, France 5, France, 2004, français.
Global warming is not an abstract and remote threat : millions of people around the planet are affected already. The example of these two very exposed communities, one in the Arctic, the other in the Pacific Ocean, is a plea to change our behaviour, and to take action.

Les réfugiés de l’environnement
De Eve Livet et Karel Prokop, 52’, Arte, France, 1995, français.
They are leaving…because they cannot live where they are anymore, because their environment is destroyed. Neither political nor economical refugees, these men and women suffer the consequences of our planet’s environment crisis. They are called environment refugees.

Mission arctique : les seigneurs de l’Arctique
De Caroline Underwood, 52’, France 5, France, 2004, français.
Through a full Arctic year, we discover with the pictures of filmakers specialized in wildlife and Arctic, how the birds, the whales, the bears, the seals and the cariboudepend closely on ice to travel, feed and breed.

Mission arctique : le peuple de la glace
De Carlos Ferrand, 52’, France 5, France, 2004, français.
The Inuit people are endearingly revealed by a filmmaker who knows Arctic and the Man of the North intimately. An hommage to a thousands year old culture, perturbed by the magnitude and the suddenness of the environmental uphearsal.

Ceux qui n’en meurent pas laissent toute espérance

De Robert Cornellier, 51’, Macumba International, Canada, 2006, français, s.-t. français.
Bhopal, Tchernobyl, Exxon Valdez…three of the worst technological disasters Humanity has ever known. Thousands of victims are still living with the consequences of these tragedies. Justice has not been made, and they also have to fight so that these disasters would not be remembered as simple accidents.

Gli angeli di San Giuliano
De Caterina Stagno et Silvia Tortora, 48’, Rai Trade, Italie, 2006, italien, s.-t. anglais.
In October 2002, the village of San Giuliano, in the South of Italy, is shaken by a violent earthquake. The primary school, built in a sismic zone without tests or planning permission, is the only building to collapse, taking away the life of thirty children, a whole generation for this small village.

A world without water
De Brian Woods, 41’ 20’’, Channel 4, Angleterre, 2006, anglais.
The world is already starting to run out of water. We will all endure the consequences, and some endure them already.

Leyda, catastrophe écologique
De Benelim Djimadoumbaye, 23’, Studio Présence, Tchad, 2005, français.
N’djamena, capital of Tchad, lives in an incredible state of insalubrity. The nonbiiodegradable plastics called Leyda are found all over the place, a real ecological disaster.

CO2 : demain j’arrête 
De Frank Schneider, 12’, NOE21, France,2006, français.
By going back to the origins of the constitution of oil, of gas and of coal, one reveals the threat that are for our climate the actual CO2 discharges. Apart from the diagnosis and the climatic threat, realist solutions exist, like the ecological tax reform, in the heart of a real debate on the international scene.

La planète blanche
De Thierry Ragobert et Thierry Piantanida, 82’, Filmcoopi Zürich, France, 2006, français.
The Arctic, a unique universe shaped by ice and wind, is a huge frozen ocean made of immense and lonely plains, mountains and glaciers. It is a different world, inhabited by a unique fauna surviving extreme conditions. Although it is a great stock of fresh water and plays an important role in regulating the climate, the Arctique is now threatened…

De Cédric Louis et Claude Barras, 6’ 30’’, Hélium Films, Suisse, 2005, français, s.-t. anglais.
Marine, a young obese girl, suffers from other people’s judgement of her and from the summer heat. She dreams of a better life amongst the penguins of the Ice-Barrier.

Five disasters waiting to happen

De Stephen McQuillan et Sophie Todd, 59’, BBC, Royaume-Unis, 2006, anglais.
London, Paris, Shanghaï, Mumbaï and Tuvalu have been, and will be again, in the near future, touched by natural catastrophes of great intensity. How did the States and the town councillors of the countries, towns and regions concerned tackle the issue of prevention?




22 th Edition
11 - 14 october 2006

FILMS 2006
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